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SCFH offers presentations and workshops on fair housing throughout the year. See below for more information about some opportunities. If you don’t see what you are looking for below, feel free to contact us!
On-Site Presentations
SCFH provides presentations on various fair housing topics at your location upon request. To make a request, fill out this form.
First-Time Homebuyer and Landlord Education
SCFH provides presentations on fair housing and fair lending at in-person First-Time Homebuyer and Landlord Trainings hosted by various organizations. Some host organizations are listed below. To learn more about these classes, contact the host organization. If you need a certificate, we recommend that you discuss your needs with the host organization, especially since host organizations listed below may be located in various states. Specific classes where SCFH is expected to present will be listed on our Events page. Schedule is subject to change. If you would like a SCFH team member to present at your upcoming class, feel free to contact us!
Classes for Real Estate Agents
SCFH provides presentations on fair housing, fair lending, and other topics as guest lecturers at in-person classes for real estate agents hosted by various real estate schools. To learn more about upcoming classes where a SCFH team member will be a guest, or if you would like to invite SCFH to speak at your upcoming class, contact SCFH directly.
If you are interested in attending a presentation, please fill out the form below:
Payment Options
If you have registered for a presentation with an associated fee, you may mail a check payable to SouthCoast Fair Housing to 257 Union, New Bedford, MA 02740, or you may submit payment using the below Paypal payment button.